Follow your path

Find your harmony

Annabelle Hanane BERRADA

Who Am I?

I have worked for health, safety and environemental prevention and coordination, for industries, construction renewable energies sites and logistics. It's been almost a decate that i'm made of "Prevention", the heart of my battle. 


Since 2021, I've chosen to expend my comptence, to not just do health prevention for a company or a group, but to go more deeply, by working on the individual prenvention of each person. In fact, the individual behavior is a major piece of puzzle for a succesfull health prevention. As musch as industries, companies and other organisation prevent health for a group of persons in the professional environment, it can not be complet, sometimes not even efficient without an individual prevention and caring in the personal life. Individual health is an approch that have benefits, not only for each person individually, but also in the professional environment, to improve results of a healthier life style, which called, Naturoapthy.


A prevention approch, before getting ill or sick, or after a pathologie, illness, to help the person through it. The purpose is to take care of each, by reganing vitality, improving life style, and giving a chance for the body to clean itself and self regenarate the body, with the natural course.


With a full and rich professional and personal experience, into many and different cultures, europeen, asian, south american and african, i've leaned to adapt to each different traditions and cultures, different way to live, with personalising tools for every one, adapted to you, to each individual. 


Aways on a continous improvement, I'm at you disposal, to help you through yours health problems or difficulties, or to work with a group of people, a company, etc. for a positive change and a better healthy futur.

Why Naturopathy?

Naturopath, litteraly means: "Path of Nature". It aims to take care naturally of our health, as mother Nature wants, by following the basics of a natural fonctionnal health that regenerate it self.


Here, the master word is: PREVENTION. The strategy aims results and effeciency not just short, but that stay efficient on the long term, with a better life style, preventing pathologies and diseases. For that, 3 bases are essentiel to work on: nutrition, physical activity and emotions.


I wanna add to that, a major base, wich is the environment. It's the main base for every creature's well-being on our planet. To take care of our health, it is necessery to take care of our environement, by listening to it, give a full attention, the same as we are naturally doing with those who are dearest to us.

Why Naturopathy?

Naturopath, litteraly means: "Path of Nature". It aims to take care naturally of our health, as mother Nature wants, by following the basics of a natural fonctionnal health that regenerate it self.


Here, the master word is: PREVENTION. The strategy aims results and effeciency not just short, but that stay efficient on the long term, with a better life style, preventing pathologies and diseases. For that, 3 bases are essentiel to work on: nutrition, physical activity and emotions.


I wanna add to that, a major base, wich is the environment. It's the main base for every creature's well-being on our planet. To take care of our health, it is necessery to take care of our environement, by listening to it, give a full attention, the same as we are naturally doing with those who are dearest to us.

How to take good care of youself ?

Here is the million dolars question! First, know that evry individual is unique, the adapted solution is different depending the person and it's condition. It's important to listen to you own body, to be aware of the messages he's sending you, and apply what is good and convenient for you and not what is for the others.

I've talked upper about the 4th essential bases: nutrition, physical activity, emotions and environment. Let's detail every point:


  • Why Environment?

What's arround us have a big influence on us, what we breath, we swollow as well as what we are exposed to. It's reflexion is you health, with a positive or negative impact, on every cell of our body, but also on every bacteria or other species that lives with us. A millenar symbiosis who lost it's balance today, because of industrialisation, many types of pollution (including electromagnetic), time speed and ecosystem discruction, our ecosystem. It's an evidence that our Health depends on the Enviroment's. A daily routine, nutrition, activities and emotions, should be choosen with the ecology notion, knowing what's best for the environment that we are living in. A first step for you to live better and avoid many health problems caused by a "non healthy" environment.

  • Why nutrition?

Well of course, nutrition, who didn't heard of that! An important base to work on, nutrition is the starter of many physiological process. 'une importance majeure, l'alimentation est à l'orgine de plusieurs processus physiologiques, ayant pour but de faire fonctionner le corps, pour la régénération, réparation, transformation et métabolisation. Une réelle usine chimique qui nécessite les bons ingrédients pour qu'elle continue de tourner correctement. Ce fonctionnement se voit aujourd'hui influencé par une alimentation non naturelle, carencée et déséquilibrée, amenant à des souffrances subies par notre corps. A bas les clichés des régimes ou de l'alimentation végétale! L'équilibre n'est pas sorcier, il suffit de manger de tout, au bon moment, aux bonnes proportions, suivant les paramètres de vie de chacun.

  • Pourquoi l'acitivité physique?

Notre corps est constitué d'environ 40% de muscles, dans une société sédentaire ou anormalement active (l'exemple des gestes répétitifs), le corps de retrouve malmené, avec des troubles musculo squelettiques, un métabolisme déséquilibré ou une fonte musculaire. Être non actif ou trop actif n'est pas naturel. Il est important de trouver des solutions pour rééquilibrer et soutenir son capital musculaire et de motricité, pour en bénéficier pleinement.

  • Pourquoi l'émotionnel?

Paramètre qui influence la santé physique, et est influencé par l'alimentation, l'activité physique et l'environnement. L'émotionnel est à l'origine de plusieurs mal-êtres et troubles physiologiques qui nécessitent une attention particulière. C'est parfois la clé pour aboutir à une routine saine et retrouver bien-être. Aussi, le plus souvent, c'est qu'on s'oublie! Nous prenons soins des autres, pour leur bonheur, bien-être et réussite. Et soi? Et vous? La question est simple: Avez-vous décidé de prendre soin de vous? La solution est entre vos mains, dès que vous considérez que vous êtes la personne la plus importante de votre vie. Sans égoïsme, mais pour votre bien, vous en serez gagnant, car en prenant soin de vous, vous rayonnez auprès des autres.


Mon approche vise à traiter chaque point avec vous pour travailler ensemble des solutions qui vous conviennent, de manière personnalisée, adaptée et unique à VOUS.