Intestinal Health, Your Priority

Guts are part of the Digestive System. It's the 1st cause of Chronic diseases. To Take care of yourself, 1st step is to Take care of it!

Consulting: On Line - Remote Consultation 




How Can I Help?

 Specialised in the treatment of digistive problems, especially IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), with prevention and natural care, also, due personnal and professionnal experience, I help you reverse the situation by analysing with you your health situation to establish together you own program that will give you access to a better health regarding your personal goals. Here are some examples of health problems that can be improved:


  • Digestive problems: dysbiosis, Gastroesophageal reflux symptom, bad digestion, histamin intolerance, gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, SIBO, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, irritable bowel, etc.

  • Preventing deseases: Pre-diabities, NAFL / NASH, Alsheimer, Parkinson, Obisity, Child obisity, Cholesterol problems, etc.

  • Weight Problem: prise Loosing or taking weight in long term and healthy way, eating disorder, etc.

  • Decalcification Problemes: dental cavities, osteoarthritis, etc.

  • Immunity: urinary tract infections, viral, bacteria, parasitic infections, week immunity, etc.

  • Circulation Troubles: haemorrhoids crisis, heavy legs, rosacea, toxic charge in the body, etc.

  • Skin/Hair: acne, eczema, psoriasis, allergies, hair loss, cellulite, not sweating or sweating too much, etc.

  • Inflamation: articular, muscle recovery, cramps, etc.

  • Emotional trouble: Lack of motivation, nervosity, hyperactivity, depression & Burn-Out, etc.

  • Sleeping problems: insomnia, night wakings, sweat night problems, etc.

  • Addictions: cigaretts, sugar, boulimia, etc.

  • Hormon's problems: Peiod pain, menopause, pre-menopause, hypothyroidism, etc.

  • Prepration: Pregnancy, for a competition, sports, for a better life style, for a better nutrition.


Naturopathy can help you also after a medical operations and have guidance for specific health problems, such as diabities and hypertension. Of course, this process needs the compliance of your doctor and will be a complement for your medecines, never as a replacement. If you feel like you don't need medication anymore, with your new life style and health improvement, the decision will be up to you and your doctor, who can tells you if you can do without it or if you need it.


Cellulite, what a fighter!

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